Learning Modern C++ Through pbrt-v4

pbrt-v4 plays a pivotal role in my research endeavors. Recognizing that my C++ proficiency requires modernization, I view this state-of-the-art open-source project as an ideal platform to enhance my skills in contemporary C++ practices. This series aims to document and share that journey.

The Evolution of pbrt-v4

The journey began with Matt Pharr’s keynote, “Porting pbrt to the GPU While Preserving its Soul,” presented at HPG 2020 [1]. This talk illuminated the integration of modern C++ techniques within pbrt, including advanced memory management, polymorphic memory resources (pmr), and tagged dispatch for efficient polymorphism.

Modern C++ represents a paradigm shift from earlier iterations, such as C++98, with consistent updates every three years culminating in C++23. Features like std::optional, lambdas, std::move, and std::thread simplify development and enhance robustness. For inspiration, I recommend the article “Remember the Vase!” by C++ founder Bjarne Stroustrup, who advises: “Work hard on a solid foundation, learn from experience, and don’t scrimp on testing” [2]. Personally, working with the pbrt project offers a hands-on avenue to practice these concepts. Adopting modern C++ isn’t merely about acquiring new skills but also shedding outdated practices, such as over-reliance on new and raw pointers—a transformation that makes modern C++ feel like “C+” in essence.

Moreover, modern C++ is a comprehensive solution for streamlining development and collaboration. It encompasses sophisticated build systems and project layouts (e.g., CMake), robust dependency management tools (e.g., vcpkg or Conan), continuous integration systems (e.g., GitHub Actions), and advanced IDEs (e.g., VS Code, Visual Studio, CLion) augmented by powerful AI tools like GitHub Copilot.

Why Learn Modern C++ Through pbrt-v4?

Key Attributes of pbrt-v4

  • Approximately 72,000 lines of modular, portable C++ code.
  • A design philosophy that balances pedagogical clarity with computational performance.
  • Implementation leveraging C++17, with features such as tagged dispatch, polymorphic memory allocation, and GPU-centric paradigms.

Rationale for Employing pbrt-v4 as a Learning Platform

  1. A Codebase Exemplifying Advanced C++ Constructs

    • The architecture integrates state-of-the-art programming techniques, including:
      • Template metaprogramming for abstraction and reusability.
      • std::optional and std::variant for robust, type-safe data manipulation.
      • Polymorphic memory allocators (std::pmr) optimized for GPU interoperability, showcasing unified memory allocation strategies.
  2. Tagged Dispatch as a Paradigm of Polymorphism

    • Supplanting conventional virtual functions, pbrt-v4 employs tagged dispatch, minimizing runtime overhead while enhancing GPU compatibility. Tagged pointers facilitate efficient, type-safe polymorphism by leveraging compile-time type resolution.
  3. Practical Implementation in High-Performance Contexts

    • The project exemplifies how modern C++ constructs elevate both maintainability and computational efficiency.
    • Memory allocators (std::pmr) harmonize resource management across CPU and GPU domains, underscoring their adaptability in complex systems.
    • Tagged dispatch obviates the limitations of virtual functions, presenting a streamlined approach to polymorphism that is both performant and architecturally sound.
    • The design embodies the nuanced decision-making required to develop scalable, high-performance systems.
  4. Integration of Graphics Programming Principles

    • The framework provides a deep dive into the intricacies of rendering pipelines, mathematical modeling, and parallel computation, all realized through idiomatic C++.


I began learning programming in high school in 2000. As a financially constrained student, I purchased two second-hand books: one on basic programming and another titled C++程序设计 by 谭浩强. My mother, despite our limited means, invested around 8000 RMB in a computer for me. Unfortunately, my first attempt to set up a Turbo C environment resulted in the computer breaking down. Consequently, I couldn’t program on it, but I cherish memories of playing the video game Sword and Fairy (仙剑奇侠传 98) with my sister on that machine.

My initial motivation to become a programmer stemmed from a desire to prove that the computer was a worthwhile investment, justifying the significant financial sacrifice my mother made.

Proficiency in modern C++ is indispensable for engineers and researchers striving to create scalable, efficient, and robust applications, particularly in performance-critical domains such as computer graphics.

Have fun!


  1. Matt Pharr’s keynote, “Porting pbrt to the GPU While Preserving its Soul,” presented at HPG 2020.
  2. Bjarne Stroustrup’s article “Remember the Vasa!” highlighting foundational principles in programming and testing.

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